dimarts, 27 de setembre del 2011

Pink Floyd: preparem la butxaca

Ho han fet a l'estil Pink Floyd. Una edició remasteritzada de la seva discografia amb edicions Immersion: caixes de luxe (6 discos en algun cas), farcides de material inèdit. Coses que ni els propis membres del grup sabien que existien, com la famosa versió de "Wish You Were Here" amb Stephane Grappelli (que es donava per perduda). Un somni per a qualsevol fan de la banda. Però això val pasta. Enguany en compraré un, si les coses van bé :-)

Si mirem els continguts de, per exemple, l'edició de The Dark Side Of The Moon ens farem una idea de la magnitud de la cosa:

DISC 1 – CD 1:
The Dark Side Of The Moon digitally remastered by James Guthrie 2011

DISC 2 – CD 2:
The Dark Side Of The Moon performed live at Wembley in 1974 (2011 Mix and previously unreleased)

- The Dark Side Of The Moon, James Guthrie 2003 5.1 Surround Mix (previously released only on SACD) in standard resolution audio at 448 kbps
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, James Guthrie 2003 5.1 Surround Mix (previously released only on SACD) in high resolution audio at 640 kbps
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, LPCM Stereo mix (as disc 1)
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, Alan Parsons Quad Mix (previously released only on vinyl LP/8 track tape in 1973) in standard resolution audio at 448 kbps
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, Alan Parsons Quad Mix (previously released only on vinyl LP/8 track tape in 1973) in high resolution audio at 640 kbps

- Live In Brighton 1972: Careful With That Axe, Eugene (previously unreleased on DVD) Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (previously unreleased on DVD)
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, 2003 documentary (25 min EPK)
- Concert Screen Films (60 min total): British Tour 1974 French Tour 1974 North American Tour 1975

Screen films play in stereo and 5.1 Surround Sound

DISC 5 – BLURAY, AUDIO+AUDIO VISUAL -AUDIO: The Dark Side Of The Moon, James Guthrie 2003 5.1 Surround Mix (previously released only on SACD) in high resolution audio at 96 kHz/24-bit
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, Original stereo mix (1973) mastered in high resolution audio at 96 kHz/24-bit
- Live In Brighton 1972: Careful With That Axe, Eugene (previously unreleased on DVD/BluRay) Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (previously unreleased on DVD/BluRay)
- The Dark Side Of The Moon, 2003 documentary (EPK)
- Concert Screen Films (5.1 Surround Mix): British Tour 1974 French Tour 1974 North American Tour 1975
- Concert Screen Films (High Resolution Stereo Mix): British Tour 1974 French Tour 1974 North American Tour 1975

DISC 6 - CD3:
- The Dark Side Of The Moon 1972 Early Album Mix engineered by Alan Parsons (previously unreleased)
- "The Hard Way" (from ‘Household Objects’ project)
- "Us And Them", Richard Wright Demo (previously unreleased)
- "The Travel Sequence", live from Brighton June 1972 (previously unreleased)
- "The Mortality Sequence", live from Brighton June 1972 (previously unreleased
- "Any Colour You Like", live from Brighton June 1972 (previously unreleased)
- "The Travel Sequence", studio recording 1972 (previously unreleased) - Money, Roger Waters’ demo (previously unreleased)

40 page 27cm x 27cm booklet designed by Storm Thorgerson Exclusive photo book edited by Jill Furmanovsky 27cm x 27cm Exclusive Storm Thorgerson Art Print 5 x Collectors’ Cards featuring art and comments by Storm Thorgerson Replica of The Dark Side Of The Moon Tour Ticket Replica of The Dark Side Of The Moon Backstage Pass Scarf 3 x Black marbles 9 x Coasters (unique to this box) featuring early Storm Thorgerson design sketches 12 page credits booklet.